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The Tao of Eating dietary guidelines are an amalgamation, drawing largely on Dr. Hyman's Pegan (Paleo/Vegan) approach, as well as Dr. Weil's Anti-Inflammatory diet (based on the Mediterranean diet), the plant-based approach of Paul Pichford's Healing with Whole Foods, and eating for microbiome health. 


Click here for the {Tao of Eating} | Predominantly Plant-Based Dietary Guidelines pdf. 


Scroll past the food pyramids to view these synthesized guidelines online.

Remember, these are just guidelines; there is no one-size-fits-all rule. So, explore, experiment and adjust accordingly! 

NON-STARCHY VEGETABLES | The Foundation of Your Diet

  • HOW MUCH:  4-6 servings/day minimum | 1 serving = 1/2 cup cooked = 2 to 3 cups/day

  • HEALTHY EXAMPLES: Green Peas, Collard Greens, Squash, Spinach, Brussel’s Sprouts, Asparagus, Broccoli, Beet Greens, Broccoli Rabe, Cauliflower, Artichoke, Dandelion Greens.




Ideally we want about 3-6 ounces of protein/meal, 15-30 grams/meal at least, or between 45 grams (minimum) and 90 grams per day.

There is a LOT of differing opinions about high protein diets out there these days! But this is a safe range to shoot for.


A Helpful Guideline:

- 1+ meal/day from Plant Protein sources

- 1 meal/day from a Non-Meat Animal source

- 1 meal/day from a Meat source


As you begin to transition towards more plant-based protein, it helps to become familiar with how much protein is in certain foods. * See chart at the end of this document.


Keep in mind that 1-2 days of intermittent fasting a week can be very beneficial; on these days eat very lightly, focusing on simply prepared non-starchy veggies and healthy fats, and don’t worry about protein so much.




  • HOW MUCH: Pretty much unlimited for the non-starchy vegetables.  1-2 servings/day of the starchy.

  • HEALTHY EXAMPLES: Tempeh (fermented soy), Nuts, Seeds, Nutritional Yeast (try adding to soups and sautéed veggies!) High-Protein Vegetables (green peas, collard greens, squash, spinach, sweet potato, brussel’s sprouts, asparagus, mushrooms, broccoli, beet greens, broccoli rabe, cauliflower)




  • HOW MUCH: 1-2 servings/day

  • HEALTHY EXAMPLES:  Eggs, Greek Yogurt, Plain Kefir, Goat cheese, Hard cheese (parmesean/manchego) *avoid American “block cheese.” Raw cheese is ideal.



  • HOW MUCH: 1-2 3-ounce servings/day, 6 ounces/day max

  • HEALTHY EXAMPLES: antibiotic-free/organic Chicken, wild caught Salmon, wild-caught shrimp, Mussels, grass-fed/organic Beef.




  • HOW MUCH:  5-7 servings/day | 1 serving = 1 teaspoon oil; 2 tablespoons nuts, 1 tablespoon of flax/chia; 1 ounce of avocado

  • HEALTHY EXAMPLES: Seeds (flax, chia, hemp, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame), Unsalted Nuts (walnuts, pistachios, almonds, brazil), Avocado, Expeller Pressed Oils (Extra Virgin Olive, Flaxseed, Sesame, Coconut), Butter/Ghee




  • HOW MUCH:  1-2 servings/day | 1 serving = 1/2 cup cooked = 1/2 to 1 cup/day

  • HEALTHY EXAMPLES: Beet, Carrot, Parsnip, Jerusalem Artichoke, Pumpkin, Squash, Yam, Sweet potato




  • HOW MUCH:  1-2 servings/day | 1 serving = 1 medium fruit; 1/2 cup chopped; 1/4 cup dried

  • HEALTHY EXAMPLES: Berries, Apples, Pears, Oranges, Pomegranate, Persimmon, Lemons, Limes



WHOLE GRAINS | favor non-glutinous

  • HOW MUCH:  1-2 servings/day max. | 1 serving = 1/2 cup cooked = 1/2 to 1 cup/day max

  • HEALTHY EXAMPLES: Quinoa, Brown Rice, Wild Rice, Millet, Amaranth




  • HOW MUCH:  1-3 servings/day | 1 serving = 1/2 cup cooked = 1/2 to 1 cup/day max

  • HEALTHY EXAMPLES: Tempeh, Lentil, Garbanzo, Black, Mung, Adzuki, Fava


HERBS & SPICES | fresh and dried

  • HOW MUCH: Unlimited

  • HEALTHY EXAMPLES: Turmeric, Cinnamon, Clove, Nutmeg, Pepper, Parsley, Cilantro, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, Tarragon, Fennel, Cumin, Lavender, …



FERMENTED FOODS | * Important part of daily diet!

  • HOW MUCH: 3 servings/day | Serving of sauerkraut = 1-2 tbs, twice/daily max | Serving of Yogurt/Kefir = 1/4-1/2 cup, twice daily max| Serving of Kombucha = 4-8 ounces

  • HEALTHY EXAMPLES: Sauerkraut, plain Yogurt, plain Kefir, Kombucha (no more than 2g/serving)


REFINED FLOUR-BASED FOODS | {Pasta/ Whole Grain Bread}

  • HOW MUCH: 1-2 servings/week

  • HEALTHY EXAMPLES: 3-ingredient Sourdough Bread, whole grain Pasta, whole grain Tortillas, Crackers, Chips, Wraps, Baked Goods, Pizza Crust




  • HOW MUCH: 1-2 glasses/day




  • HOW MUCH: Sparingly, not daily

  • HEALTHY EXAMPLES: Dark Chocolate (70% cacao or more)



As you shift towards a more plant-based diet and add more food high in the fiber inulin (which your beneficial bacteria thrive on),

your tummy can go through some rumbling as the beneficial bacteria population grows and the pathogenic population dwindles. 

So, take it slow in your transition!

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