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THE 5 FLAVORS | Sweet . Sour . Salty . Bitter . Pungent 

In Progress..

Sweet is a very important taste. Strive to develop a healthy relationship with the sweet taste that nourishes both body and soul. Too much of the sweet taste results in "dampness," or the accumulation of mucus, phlegm and/or fat. But the sweet taste in and of itself does not make us fat and we should not fear it!

Did you know that your taste bud regenerate every 10-14 days? 

If you want to refine your taste for SWEETNESS, try a two-week detox with no added sugars or artificial sweeteners. 

And while you're at it, you could also reset your sensitivity for the SALTY taste by eliminating packaged/processed foods, cooking from scratch and limiting sodium to 2300 mg/day (1 tsp) for two weeks... A little goes a long way!  Think 1/4 tsp per meal and the other 1/4 sprinkled on any snacks.

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